Alerta do Google - California Weather

California Weather
Atualização assim que ocorre 11 de janeiro de 2018
Motorists traveling the Grapevine Wednesday morning experienced delays as the California Highway Patrol paced traffic due to foggy condition on ... The wet weather comes a day after record-breaking rain in Bakersfield caused numerous traffic snafus with flooded intersections and strong winds.
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At least 13 people have been killed and homes torn from their foundations in flash flooding and mudslides in southern California. Downpours sent mud and boulders roaring down hills stripped of vegetation by a gigantic wildfire that raged in the state in December and police claim the death toll is certain ...
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Death toll in California mudslides rises to 15
At least 15 people are dead due to Tuesday's mudslides in Southern California, Santa Barbara County spokeswoman Yaneris Muniz said early Wednesday.
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